
What is a Part

The Part object is a physical object. When it is in the Workspace, it will move and interact with other Parts. It can have bonds formed with other Parts, so that the two Parts stay in the same relative position.

Parts are the basic building blocks of any Roblox place. Commonly known as bricks, you’ll see these the most often of any other objects as almost every place is built out of these. It is possible to stretch a Part to very large sizes and use them for baseplates, or make them very small and use them to create cool looking Tool.

How can I edit a Part

The Part object can be edited using the various studio tools. It is available via either the insert menu, or the Object Insert menu. It can also be created using the function:


How do I create different shaped Parts

Using the Mesh objects, such as SpecialMesh, BlockMesh, or CylinderMesh objects you can change the shape of them. Using the Decal or Texture objects, you can place pictures on top of the bricks.

Changing Parts using scripts

There are many scripting opportunities using the Part object. Many of the other scripting objects, such as BodyForce objects operate inside of a Part or other physics based objects. Editing the Part’s properties through a script can result in a lot of fun opportunities.

Reference: https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Part


Models are container objects, meaning they hold objects and group objects together. They are best used to hold collections of BaseParts and have a number of functions that extend their functionality.

At their most basic level, Models allow developers to group selections of BaseParts together. This is particularly useful when building environments in Roblox Studio as it means the grouped parts can be moved and rotated together. When not storing collections of BaseParts it is recommended that developers use the Folder object, as they will not benefit from the additional functionality Models provide.

To access some of the extended functionality Models provide, the Model.PrimaryPart property needs to be set. This property points to the BasePart within the Model that is to be used when moving or otherwise manipulating the model.

Models have a wide range of applications, including being used for Roblox Player Characters. They also have a number of unique behaviors that are important to keep in mind when using them:

  • When a Humanoid and a Part named “Head” are parented under a model, a name-tag GUI will appear with the name of the model.

  • If a Part’s position on the Y axis hits the Workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight value, and it was the last object inside of a Model, the Model will be destroyed as well.

Reference https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Model

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